Samsung Odin is windows based ROM Flashing tool / Rooting tool specially made for Samsung smart Phones and tablets. You must have SamsungOdin in order to flash / Root or install customs ROMs to your Samsung android device. Odin is must have tool in order to Flash stock/Custom Firmware,Flash Flash Recovery File,Flash Kernels/Root packages (Root Samsung android device) You can find all Odin download links through our download section.
The latest version of SamsungOdin is Odin 3.12. Please find the correct tutorial for your device if you are new to Android rooting! You can download SAMSUNG USB DRIVERS and other Odin-related direct downloads through our dedicated download section!
If you do not have any previous rooting experience or not sure about the process ,Use One Click Root. OneClickRoot is simple and easy rooting tool with extended support. Check above link for more details and guides.
Download odin 3.12.3, The latest versions for Odin Flash. Check official Samsung Odin Forum for user discussions.
Find Odin Download links with VirusTotal links requested by XDA members. - Samsung Odin download credit goes to - XDA Forum ! thanks XDA for Huge contribution and support!